Matt MacDuff to guest coach at WFMBike's Aug Clinics!

Matt MacDuff no footed can.

Matt MacDuff no footed can.

WFMBike is ending the bike clinic season with a bang! Bringing on heavy hitter Matt MacDuff to session the jumps with you next weekend in Whistler!

This will be a great time for riders who are coming to our FMB Bronze event 'Whistler Sessions' on Aug 28. Giving riders a chance to get some tips from a pro that builds some wild courses and knows what judges are looking for!

This clinic is also great for the beginner jumper too, so get your friends and let’s go! All levels welcome!

Coach Lisa talking about different body positions at the last WFMBike clinic.

Coach Lisa talking about different body positions at the last WFMBike clinic.

These two separate day events are going down on Aug 6 (Coed, yes bring your bros!) and the other on Aug 8 (Ladies only, gotta stick to our roots!). The fun will be taking place at the Fitzsimmons Skills park aka the Riverside Jumps. Bring your bikes, smiles, and stoke, we'll do the rest!

Natasha Miller is a regular at our clinics. She's always keen to be part the Women's Freeride Movement, while working on her skills. We hope to get this girl teaching for us soon!

Natasha Miller is a regular at our clinics. She's always keen to be part the Women's Freeride Movement, while working on her skills. We hope to get this girl teaching for us soon!

You will be grouped according to your skill ability, for maximum fun and ability to meet some new riding pals. Instruction and practice laps will last for the first three hours. After that, we jam for half an hour so everyone can hang out and show what they learned. Then it's draw prize time!

Paul Baxter on the black line at one of our coed clinics. Paul was out shadowing for the day, we love helping people progress their coaching skills set.

Paul Baxter on the black line at one of our coed clinics. Paul was out shadowing for the day, we love helping people progress their coaching skills set.

We have some sweet things up for grabs.

Air Rec tickets, tons of rad swag from Chromag, illab, Evolution, Liv, Sombrio, Coastal Culture, Dharco and Lyda, and we also have some Coast Gravity Park day tickets too!!

We also have RockShox Dj Pike as the season end prize giveaway, the more clinics you attended the better chances you have at winning.

You can register here for Friday or Sunday’s clinic.

Coach Sarah Walter is one to watch! Excited to see how she does at our FMB Bronze dirt jump event on Aug 28/29!

Coach Sarah Walter is one to watch! Excited to see how she does at our FMB Bronze dirt jump event on Aug 28/29!

All the sweet images were provided by @ronianash, Ronia will be on hand both days to catch all the action so you can see your progression too.

Lauralyn a regular at our clinics, and Justine chatting on the way back up to the top of the jumps.

Lauralyn a regular at our clinics, and Justine chatting on the way back up to the top of the jumps.

Some group photos from the clinics this summer.

Rock on ladies, rock on!!

Rock on ladies, rock on!!

Messy prize table, but damn look at all the goodies and smiling faces!!

Messy prize table, but damn look at all the goodies and smiling faces!!

We'd also like to thank our sponsors, who without them we wouldn't be able to run such stellar events.
Pinkbike, adidas Five Ten, Chromag, illab, Coast Gravity Park, Clif, Dharco, LIV, Evolution, Coastal Culture, Air Rec Centre, Sombrio, and LYDA.

Stay tuned for our Women in Sports Scholarship and to hear more about our Men's & Women's FMB Bronze event Whistler Sessions.

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